Wednesday, December 11, 2013


2 pound ground Chicken or Pork
1/4 cup oil
1 tsp Salt
1 tsp Sugar
2tbs chicken base
Garlic powder or tow or three clove garlic
One Bean Sprouts
Banh Xeo flour mixture
three cup water
one can coconut milk
Mints, basil, etc
Wash and drain all the vegetable and the herb. slice the cucumber and onion. Heat the medium heat saucepan add 2tbs oil the garlic let roast foe few second  then add  the chicken let cook for few mins., 
onion, salt and sugar. For favor you can add chicken base. Pour the flour mix into a large boil  or pot
add three cup of water, mix it well add turmeric, egg and coconut milk, mix until every thing blend in.
Preheated the frying pan, then coated with oil, not to much oil, just enough to wet the pan. Then pour about 2.5 oz to three oz liquid mixture into the pan coating to form a thin pancake. Cover the a few mins., open  and add the cook chicken that was made and  a little of bean spouts to one side then fold the pancake and put on to a plate and repeat the process over again.

Sauce Banh Chiao
one part sugar
one part hot water
one part vinegar
one part fish sauce
mix well and then add  
couple hot pepper-(depend on how hot you want)
couple clove garlic chop
roasted peanut (crush or grind)

Once you finish it time to eat. You eat with your hand or into the boil. It good either way. Enjoy!!!

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